Saturday, July 28, 2018

We Are Loaded House.

About Me: I read a lot. I write a lot. I've always considered myself a "reader" and a "writer". Now as a mother, I find that time is often not on my side when it comes to crafting a well-thought prose. Most of my recent writings (which I use very loosely) are grocery lists and my son's homework corrections. Furthermore, I have developed a love/hate relationship with reading. Why? Because most of my reading is done on a screen and, as a parent, I get lost. As quickly as I get lost in an Anita Shreve novel (love her!), I also get swept up in the "information" and "facts" of the internet. From the conflicting glory and grave warnings about vaccines to how to adequately clean your shower pouf, the internet is a vast sea of fiction and factoids. Wading through all of that information will make a sane person crazy...and send a mom on a mission!

About Loaded House: Our loaded house includes: two boys (a charismatic eight year old and a "chatty" eight month old), an 11 year old Akita and several house plants. What does your loaded house have in common with our loaded house? We all want what is best for our families and our dear little ones. That is a common bond among parents throughout millennia. It's primal. It's nature. Enter the world wide web. The internet and the opinions of very vocal Sanctimommies (You know? Those women who will ALWAYS do Mom better than you will ever be capable...and they aren't afraid to tell you how much better they do Mom either. Yeah, those moms) have had a tendency to leave me feeling confused, conflicted and overwhelmed. What is real and what is propaganda? It is consuming.

We are on a mission to do life differently. To find our own truth and be confident in the choices we make for our family. Sometimes this boils down to endless research and deducing of information. Other times, it simply means going with your gut. At Loaded House, we want to share our experiences and learn from others. We want to bridge the gap between work and home so that making a living, doesn't actually interfere with living. Our "why" is our boys. Our "why" is our peace of mind and our confidence in the decisions we make.

Our "why".

We are here to share. We will strive to be unbiased and well-informed. We will live well, do good and keep it simple.

Please join us on this journey. Read. Leave your own two cents. We don't want every thing in the world but we want to experience everything that the world has to offer...while having peace of mind. Let's be friends and help each other live well.

(The Lady of the Loaded House)

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